“Random! Cartoons” was created as a spin-off show from the Nickeldeon animation show Oh Yeah! Cartoons, created by the Nickeldeon Animation Studios and Frederator Studios, it was premiered December 6th, 2008 on Nicktoons Network. [5]
The creator of Random! Cartoons, Fred Seibert[4], requested for thirteen full-length episodes. During the ASIFA-Hollywood, on January 10th 2007, screened six of the thirteen short. They also held a question and answer session along with a selection of filmmaker from Nicktoons Studios. [5]
From those six shorts, two would be selected to become a Tv Series, One short would be turned into a festival Series and One more would go on to be created for a web series.
The two shorts chosen were Fanboy, which was changed to Fanboy and Chum Chum when it began airing on Nickledeon Novemeber 7th 2009. The other was Pendleton Wards creation Adventure Time¸ which aired on Cartoon Network April 5th 2010. [5]
Adventure Time Short/Pilot Episodehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w51IbKIgKco
“Boneheads” was selected to become a festival series and Pendletons second creation “Bravest Warriors” went on to become the web series on Cartoon Hangover’s channel on Youtube November 8th 2012. [5]
Bravest Warrior's Short.
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